On Wednesday federal authorities indicted Senator Bob Menendez (NJ-D) on corruption charges.
It was reported by The Hill, Menendez has been charged with 14 counts which include conspiracy to commit bribery and honest services fraud in connection with his relationship with Dr. Salomon Melgen. Melgen is an eye doctor in West Palm Beach, Florida.As a little history on Menendez’s career, he came to Washington as a Congressman in 1993. He was then appointed to his Senate seat in 2006 and won it again that year. He was subsequently re-elected in 2012.
Last month at a press conference, despite rumors of criminal charges coming soon, Menendez said he would not vacate his seat even if he was to face prosecution.
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Senator Menendez and Dr. Melgen were both indicted on one count of conspiracy, one count of violating the travel act, eight counts of bribery and three counts of honest services fraud. In addition to those charges, Menendez was separately charged with one count of making false statements.
Some believe Harry Reid is not innocent as well and that is the main reason he is retiring after his term. Melgen also contributed $700,000 to a super PAC aligned with him in 2012.Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) have already said Menendez should give up his post as ranking member on the Foreign Relations Committee while the charges are pending. They have also called requested Senator Harry Reid remove him if he refuses to step down.
Executive Director of CREW, Noah Bookbinder said:
Senator Menendez deserves a fair trial, but it is not appropriate for him to retain his powerful position within the Congress in light of the allegations against him, some of which could implicate foreign relations.
Menendez is the 12th Senator in history to be indicted while in office.
According to a release from his office, Menendez will address reporters at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Newark.