Senator Ted Cruz, as well as many other politicians and public figures have been dealing with the hostile takeover of websites that appear to be theirs, but are unfortunately owned by unknown and nefarious organizations or individuals, who have obtained the rights to these websites in an effort to discredit and damage the politician or public figure.
Monolith Registry has developed a new domain venture backed by global registry services provider Afilias called .VOTE and .VOTO, that works as a filter for any elected official, candidate for elected office, political organization, and government entity, who wants to protect his or her name from political enemies, counterfeiters, or those looking to profit from the use of their names.So how does it work?
Here is what Monolith Registry states about how their new domain and how it works:
The .VOTE (dot VOTE) and .VOTO (dot VOTO) generic top level domains from Monolith Registry, a new top level domain venture backed by global registry services provider Afilias, are the ONLY web addresses dedicated to the political space that offer protection. First of all, both have a strict registration policy in place that bans deceptive names. Second, their policies require an obvious connection between the domain name and the registrant’s activities in the democratic process. Third, registrations by anonymous registrants (so-called “proxy” registrations) are specifically prohibited in .VOTE and .VOTO. And finally, .VOTE and .VOTO both have processes in place so that non-compliant names can be reported and investigated promptly.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“The public finally has the opportunity to be free from deceptive political sites that damage the spirit of democracy,” said Chuck Warren, management member of Monolith. “If any of the misleading Ted Cruz domain names were registered on .VOTE or .VOTO, they would be red flagged in the audit process and actions would be taken. .VOTE and .VOTO take it very seriously that we protect and preserve the integrity of the domains. As candidates and the public begin to embrace these domains as the political domains by default, the problem of misleading political sites can be stopped once and for all.”
This makes sense.
Monolith goes even further to ensure that their clients domain name is protected by conducting by auditing every purchase for three months, and then doing spot audits from that point on.
Think about it. A domain that is strictly dedicated for elected officials and other future candidates for elected office, that protects and vets each registrant, not to mention prohibits people from cowardly hiding behind those proxy registrations.
For more information about the .VOTE and .VOTO domains, please visit: and Monolith
Monolith Registry is a venture backed by Afilias, the world’s second largest domain registry. Monolith Registry is dedicated to providing a space on the Internet where voters can find useful information from candidates and other bona fide political participants who agree to abide by the .VOTE/.VOTO registration policies.
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