Per NewsMax, the first IRS technician that inspected Lois Lerner’s hard drive was legally blind according to a filed affidavit by Stephen Manning. The affidavit was filed on July 18, 2014 in response to a lawsuit brought on by True the Vote, Inc. versus the Internal Revenue Service, et al.
Stephen Manning was a deputy chief information technology officer for strategy and modernization at the Internal Revenue Service.The affidavit further states:
According to the [information technology] Specialist, prior to joining the Internal Revenue Service, from 2004 to 2005, formal Microsoft training was completed through Lions World Services for the Blind, a certified Microsoft training and testing center”
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The technician was hired in 2007 and began working on Lerner’s hard drive on June 12, 2011.
According to the IRS website, they have had a partnership with the Lions World Services for the Blind aka World Services for the Blind, since 1967.
The website states:The IRS and LWSB provide training programs for various entry level positions. From Collection Representative positions to Computer Programmers. This relationship has resulted in over 1000 persons with disabilities being employed by the IRS. In 2003 forty-six outstanding candidates were trained by Lions World for placement in IRS positions.
Per the affidavit there was an unsuccessful attempt to recover or preserve the data on Lerner’s hard drive and it was replaced with a new one. The original hard drive was then destroyed.
Lois Lerner was involved in an IRS investigation that speculated the IRS was specifically targeting conservative groups during the re election of President Obama. She was investigated by the House Ways and Means Committee where it was stated her hard drive was damaged beyond repair and it had been destroyed.
That same committee discovered last year her hard drive was merely scratched and could have been repaired. This raises more questions about why the IRS refused to use outside experts to recover the data. It also can indicate there was potential criminal wrong doing at the IRS.