Dr. Ben Carson was put on the Extremist Files by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC claims they are dedicated to fighting hate and bigotry and they seek justice for the most vulnerable. Founded in 1971 by civil rights attorneys they rave about being internationally known for tracking and exposing hate groups. Essentially they are a money making machine that dabble in politics.
The SPLC’s Extremist Files is supposed to contain those in the U.S. who are:white nationalists, ant-gay zealots, black separatists, racist skinheads, no-Confederates and more.
In regards to the most recent list Dr. Carson is on it with Klan members, Neo-Natzi’s, etc. I do not think Dr. Carson belongs in that group personally but the self righteous SPLC obviously thinks otherwise.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
The list says Carson is on it because of the following:
In a March 2013 appearance on Fox News’ ‘Hannity,’ Carson bolstered his standing with hardliners by appears to equate gays who wish to marry with pedophiles and humans who have sex with animals. Although he later apologized for the remark, claiming it was taken out of context and asserting that he loved gay people just as mush as straight people, his words triggered an avalanche of protest from faculaty colleagues and students at John Hopkins. He had been scheduled to deliver the university’s commencement address just two months later but withdrew rather than stoke further controversy. At around the same time, Carson, at age 61, announced his retirement from John Hopkins, effective July 1, saying he wanted to leave surgical practice at the top of his game.

They believe he is a threat to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and they say:
He was appearing as the keynoter at a rash of right-wing and hate group gatherings, linking gays with pedophiles, comparing the U.S. to Nazi Germany and endorsing biblical economic practices for 21st century America.
Dr. Carson became a household name when he openly criticized President Obama in 2013 at the National Prayer Breakfast. Current day he is a potential candidate for president in 2016.