Look at this dopey Twitter post by America’s Voice, and organization that thinks they speak for all Americans on immigration reform.
In sticking to their Republicans hate Latinos narrative, Democrats, like America’s Voice, have once again shown us their true ideological ignorance.According to the pro-illegal alien lobby, aka Democrat Party, Republicans want to boot every single Latino out of the United States. But unfortunately for them, they failed to received the memo stating that their Lord and Savior, President Obama, is responsible for deporting more illegal aliens than any past U.S. president in history.
Carlos is pursuing his dream at IBM, thanks to DACA. Why do Rs want to deport him? http://t.co/UrnTmXa1u2 #DACAWorks pic.twitter.com/YyUlpyk6Zc
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.— America’s Voice (@americasvoice) January 27, 2015
Here is another dumb Tweet by “America’s Voice.”
Hey @GovSandoval @BrianSandoval: Nevada is 27% Latino, why did your state join the lawsuit to deport families? pic.twitter.com/bq7ap6FlaY — America’s Voice (@americasvoice) January 28, 2015
Gov.Sandoval has joined the lawsuit because of President Obama’s illegal action on immigration reform. This has nothing to do with legislation. I think we can all agree that immigration laws need to be enforced, and the broken system needs to be fixed. In addition, only those kids who are here illegally-at no fault of their own-that are upstanding inhabitants of this country, deserve a fair shake.
Most Americans will agree with that statement. Do you agree with my following statement?
“Let’s be very clear,” he said. “The U.S. gives out resident alien cards. Resident alien cards, these are illegal aliens, bottom line. At the end of the day, we’ll fix the immigration policy and disasters there may be if we enforce the laws. If we enforce the laws, there’s no issues of immigration.” (NewsmaxTV)