NewsMaxTV’s America’s Forum featured our managing editor, Javier Manjarres and The Good Fight host Ben Wikler today. The host, former U.S. Rep. J.D. Hayworth asked Manjarres and Wikler what they thought about Joe Biden and Ted Cruz possibly running for president.
When it came to Biden possibly running Wikler said:A contested primary is a good thing. I think the more candidates we have in the race the better our debates will be about the most important issues facing the country. All that said, I have not actually seen Biden do anything related to building a presidential campaign.
Javier agreed Biden has not done anything but in a different way. He said:
take our poll - story continues belowDo you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Biden has been great. He has carried Obama’s water for what.. six years, now going on eight.
In regards to Biden, let us not forgot one of his more popular quotes:
Now is the time to time to heed the timeless advise from Teddy Roosevelt. ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick’ end of quote. I promise you, the President has a big stick.
Next, they discussed Senator Ted Cruz possibly running for president and if he would be able to get past the primary since he is a conservative.
Manjarres response was:
He is as conservative as they get. He is as conservative as Marco Rubio. And like they said the other day, Ted Cruz has the Tea Party locked up. There is nothing wrong with being a conservative. . . I think Ted Cruz has a very big opportunity in making a big push in 2016 if he decides to run for President.
Wikler said in response:
Cruz equals conservative movement and we have had two presidential elections where the conservative movement didn’t get its candidate. . . I think it’s actually time for the Republican party to nominate the choice of the conservative movement and have a real debate and exchange of ideas.
You can watch the full discussion below: