There is life after politics, just ask outgoing Republican Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who will look to capitalize financially on her time in Washington,D.C.
On a recent trip we took to the nation’s Capitol in early December, Bachmann told the SHARK TANK that she planned on cashing in on her stint in Congress, saying that she would be writing another book, and hitting the speaking circuit.The USA Today just reported that Bachmann has joined a speakers bureau, and will begin penning a nationally syndicated column.
Bachmann says she will be focused on making Hillary Clinton’s life as miserable as possible, as the former First Lady is expected to announce that she will run for president in 2016.
Bachmann, as well as Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) both agree that Clinton is the architect of President Obama’s “failed foreign” policy.”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I was on the front lines of Benghazi, the Russian reset, all of President Obama’s failed foreign policy forays, including his failed strategy of reaching out to Iran, and she was an author and the architect of his failed foreign policies,” Bachmann said in a recent interview. “So I want to be involved in 2016 and hold her accountable for her decisions.”
“Hillary Clinton is the chief architect of the failed Obama foreign policy. She wasn’t some junior staffer, or Senator voting on behalf of his agenda, she was thee Secretary of State, the singular individual in his (Obama’s) cabinet responsible for designing and implementing the foreign policy of Barack Obama, and there is no way to look at Barack Obama’s foreign policy and take from it that it’s been successful virtually anywhere.” (SHARK TANK VIDEO)