By SHARK TANK Reporter, Special K
As racial tensions continue to flare up across the nation in response to the killings of Mike Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of police officers, New York City has endured protest and tragedy as of late.NYPD officers are furious with NY Mayor Bill DeBlasio, whose own inflammatory rhetoric and inability to quell the excessive race baiting by agitators like Sharpton and Jackson, there has been considerable tension between not only racial elements but between the NYPD and Mayor’s office.
After the execution style assassination of two NYPD officers, Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos – New York City’s other leaders have banded together to ensure the financial stability of the two families during this difficult time.
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The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation had made a dramatic announcement early last week that it will be completely paying off the mortgages of the two officer’s families.
While others have pledged their commitment to the financial stability of the two families, Giuliani is by far one of the most prominent and beloved figures in NY politics to have publically put his money where his mouth is. Giuliani has pledged a 20,000 dollar contribution to the fund. In doing so he explained:
“They should be in a position where, so that for the rest of their lives, they never have to worry about material things…It doesn’t bring back either one of these great men. But it does help.”Bill DeBlasio, New York’s current mayor has yet to commit financially to the cause. In 2014, he donated only 3 percent of his earnings to charity.
Elsewhere, there has been a large influx of donations. The Brooklyn Nets gave $10,000 and the New York Yankees will pay for the education of Ramos’ sons.