It seems like the old farts in the establishment, squishy wing of the Republican Party are not too happy with the likes of Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, as rumblings of possible campaigns to oust both tea party favorites office in 2016 and 2018 are being considered.
Senator Lee has the biggest target on his back, as billionaire Jon Huntsman Sr, who is daddy to 2012 Republican Presidential candidate and fellow GOP squish Jon Huntsman Jr, is considering challenging the popular Senator in his 2016 reelection bid.Remember, Utah’s GOP establishment has an axe to grind with Lee, considering that the popular Senator took down a sitting establishment U.S. Senator in that state’s 2010 Republican primary race.
Huntsman just doesn’t like Lee, he loathes him. At least that is how the senior Huntsman comes off when he calls Lee “an embarrassment to the state of Utah,” as well as siding with liberal Democrats in calling him an “extremist.”
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The hatred toward Lee stems from his support for the role he played during the government shutdown.
Establishment Republicans like Huntsman, McCain, and others, all railed against Lee, Cruz, and other conservatives in the House for their staunch opposition to President Obama’s dangerously un-American economic agenda, including Obamacare, which ultimately led to the government shutting down.Maybe someone should ask Huntsman Sr, how he feels about Obamacare?
You all remember that doomsday scenario that Democrats and establishment Republicans tried to sell back in 2013, when they told Americans that because of the Republican-led government shutdown, which was spearheaded by Lee and Cruz, the GOP would lose significant footing in the U.S. Congress in the 2014 midterm elections, right?
Someone remind me which political party just got their clocks cleaned this past November?
Look, Lee isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon. Lee is still a favorite among the conservatives both in Utah and around the country, and you can bet your last peso that they will come out in swarms to make sure he wins any reelection challenge.
Also, how can you not like a Senator that can dress you down in both the English language, as well as in Espanol.Yes, Senator Mike Lee Si habla Espanol.
Watch the Espanol video interview with Senator Mike Lee.
And then there is this shocking admission by Senator Lee.