The extreme race peddlers from the Democrat Party continue to spew hatred over the recent, and unfortunate killing of two black men by white police officers.
Let’s note that during the race riots in Ferguson,Missouri, and in Berkeley, California, as well as others around the country, non of these black individuals have come out and condemned the violence.The people who they are condemning are the police who are charged with protecting the public, and the entire justice system, saying that the system is flawed, and needs to be overhauled.
To add insult to injury, these same black leaders and pundits are not saying that what happened in Ferguson, is happening all over America.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
I didn’t know that what happened in Ferguson was the story of an entire country? (sarcasm)
The “Ferguson Story” Is America’s Story
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) December 9, 2014
The truth is, law enforcement has guaranteed our freedoms as Americans.
Now Obama is looking to put out law enforcement guidelines that will only serve to “handcuff” police officers.
Florida Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart said it best, when he stated that Eric Holder “tends to shoot first and then ask questions.”
“Obama had a historic opportunity to help race relations,” but that what the President actually did was to divide this country, and even go as far as to “divide individual groups against each other.”Diaz Balart added that “they (Obama administration) dont seem intent on unifying the country, they seem intent on looking at ways to further divide.”Diaz-Balart then defended the entire justice system:
“I think to indict the system that has served thiscountry very well, that has gauranteed our freedoms…is not the way to go.”-Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
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