Speaking to the U.S. Cuba Democracy PAC in Coral Gables Florida, Jeb Bush inched closer to a possible presidential run by sounding a lot like his older brother George W. on foreign policy.
As Marc Caputo from the Miami Herald put it, “the Bush Doctrine is on the verge of making a comeback.”While Jeb may have sounded like he was echoing his big bro on foreign policy, I suspect that he could take a more moderate approach on the issue, creating more of a passive “Jeb creed” on foreign policy that would appeal to all voters.
On the issues that pertain to the Cuban exile community, Bush said this:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“I would argue that, instead of lifting the embargo, we should consider strengthening it,” Bush said, calling for free elections, free trade and the release of political prisoners on the communist island.
Because President Obama, whose pressed a failed foreign policy, and has proven to be a “weak an ineffectual” Commander-in-Chiefby, by Bush rightfully calling for increased military and cybersecurity spending to combat emerging threats around the world, he, or anyone for that matter, will come across as hawkish on foreign policy.
Bush’s bigger problems is not convincing Americans that he is pro-military, or that he would be a great commander of the U.S. Armed Forces, rather the domestic issues of Common Core and immigration reform.Bush will have to do a lot of explaining on why Common Core standards calls for the data-mining of student psychological evaluations, as well as other personal and private information that will appear on their “permanent record.”