I rooted against him when he played for the Philadelphia 76ers, but now I applaud him for denouncing the racially-motivated Ferguson riots, and suggesting to the black community that it needs to take responsibility for their actions that have lead to racial profiling.
During a CNN interview with Brooke Baldwin, Barkley praised the law enforcement, saying that “the notion that white cops are out just killing black people-that’s just ridiculous. It’s just flat out ridiculous. I challenge any black person to try to make that point. Cops are actually awesome. They’re the only thing in the ghetto between this place being the wild, wild west.Barkley added:
“We as black people, we have a lot of crooks. We can’t just wait until something like (the Brown shooting) happens. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror,” he said of people in black communities. “There is a reason that they racially profile us in the way they do. Sometimes it is wrong, and sometimes it is right.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“Anybody who walks out peacefully, who protests peacefully, that’s what this country was built on, but to be burning people’s property, burning police cars, looting people’s stores, that is 100% ridiculous.”