This just keeps getting worse for Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), who according to the latest polls, is currently losing by double-digits.
The Black Conservatives Fund PAC (BCF) released another shocking video of Opelousas Mayor Don Cravins Sr., father of Don Cravins Jr, who just so happens to be a Democrat operative, and chief of staff to embattled Democrat Senator Mary Landrieu.Cravins Sr, told a group of activists to go out an vote twice, and that if they were caught breaking the law by the “po-po” (police in ebonics) that they “won’t: be prosecuted, if they elected a certain candidate running for District Attorney.
Watch the video“Now, if you already voted, go vote again tomorrow,” Cravins Sr. is seen telling a crowd. “One more time’s not going to hurt…”
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Cravins Sr. shamelessly went on to say, “…tomorrow we’re gonna elect Earl Taylor as the [District Attorney] so he won’t prosecute you if you vote twice.”
Cravins Sr. is a former state senator, Louisiana Democrat Party operative and the current mayor of Opelousas, La. He is currently in a run-off for re-election against fellow Democrat, David Tatum.