As expected, rioters took to the street to protest and cause damage to their community, after St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Bob McCulluh announced that a grand jury has decided not to file charges against the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.
Police said that there were about 150 gunshots fired, rampant looting and businesses set ablaze once the grand jury decision was read, leaving many scratching their heads as to why the rioting was allowed to take place, considering that authorities had the advantage over rioters by being able to have policing assets set in place.
“What I’ve seen tonight is probably worse than the worst night we had in August.”-St. Louis Police Department Chief Jon Belmar (Fox)
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Those assets included the Missouri National Guard and other police agencies, but it seems that everyone involved was too busy waiting for the verdict to be announced, and not in place to prevent any crimes of taking place.
To their credit, the National Guard and other police did arrive on the scene of the rioting, but only after it had already begun, and were able to disperse the crowd with pepper spray.Authorities had ample time to make preparations, but simply dropped the ball.
Michael Brown’s family released this statement:
“We are profoundly disappointed that the killer of our child will not face the consequence of his actions,” …While we understand that many others share our pain, we ask that you channel your frustration in ways that will make a positive change. We need to work together to fix the system that allowed this to happen.”
Now it’s time form pundits and race-baiters like Al Sharpton to weigh in on the decision, which will only serve to fan the existing flames of hate.
This rioters were just looking for an excuse to loot and burn from their own friends and neighbors. They are cowards.Watch the video of the violence: