One of Charlie Crist’s never ending attacks about Governor Scott is that he is a multimillionaire and flies around in his private jet. Over the weekend Charlie Crist proved just how much of a hypocrite he was. He refused to take a public plane to fly to an event and rented a private jet instead.
Troy Kinsey from News 13 talks about the incident in the video below:As Governor, Crist actually increased the use of the state plane costing taxpayers $972,332.00 over a two year period. He even used the plane to fly to political fundraisers. By his actions over the weekend, he obviously can not wait to get unlimited use of a private plane once again.
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Charlie Crist is trying his best to cover up his use of private planes but that is not the only thing he is covering up. What about his failed record as a Governor?
Floridians see right through it. Charlie Crist is simply a “plane” hypocrite.