Another Ebola patient has been diagnosed with the disease, and has been identified as an emergency room doctor in New York City, who recently traveled from Guinea with the group “Doctors Without Borders.”
According to officials, 33-year-old Dr. Craig Spencer was diagnosed and is being treated at NYC’s Bellevue Hospital, one of the hospitals designated as Ebola-ready. Spencer was suffering from a fever and “gastrointestinal symptoms” when he was admitted to the hospital.“Ebola is a dangerous disease, but there is hardly a reason for panic,” she said. “There is an epidemic of fear, but not of Ebola, in the United States.” -Dr. Nicole Lurrie, assistant Health and Human Services secretary for preparedness and response (Fox)
While there is no reason to panic, yet, the fear that Ebola may have, or could mutate into an airborne form, is down right scary.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
So. if you feel like panicking, go right ahead.