Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was stumping with Florida Governor Rick Scott in Miami, where he told reporters and Scott supporters just how he really felt about the one-time “committed, strong, rightwing Republican,” Democrat gubernatorial nominee, Charlie Crist.
Let’s just say that Giuliani didn’t mince his words.Giuliani joked about how he felt that the old Crist was “more of a conservative Republican” than he was, and that back in the 2007-2008 Presidential campaign, Charlie Crist came off as a “fierce opponent of Barack Obama,” as well believing that “Barack Obama was someone that was pretty close to a socialist.”
Crist saw Obama as a Socialist 6 years, and now he “loves” him.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Three times he promised to endorse me, three times he broke his promise…This is a man that doesn’t know how to keep his word.-Rudy Giuliani
Giuliani then literally called out President Obama.
“Why doesn’t he [Crist] bring Barack Obama here to campaign for him? Where are you Mr. President?”
And then “America’s Mayor” told everyone how he really felt about Charlie Crist.
“I’ve never met a person in politics that I disrespect more than Charlie Crist”