As there terror group ISIS continues to make gains in both Syria and Iraq, what exactly is President Obama doing about it?
We know that Obama has order continued airstrikes against the group, but refused to commit “ground combat troops,” even as military commanders and Vice President Joe ‘Big F-ing Deal” Biden have all but said that ground troops will be needed to clean up ISIS remnant after the airstrikes.Former Army officer and Congressman Tom Rooney (R) penned an op-ed outlining his concerns regarding the current military track against ISIS that President Obama has taken, and calls for Obama to deploy our “vast military force and to develop a clear exit strategy.”
As I write this, Islamic State jihadists in Iraq have expanded their territory to include land near Baghdad, and they are consolidating control of the large Anbar Province. In Syria, the Islamic State fighters are laying siege to the Turkish border city of Kobani, which may very soon fall under their control.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Meanwhile, new recruits are pouring into the region to join the Islamic State in its fight. Even retired General John Allen, tasked by the President with coordinating the international response to the Islamic State, has said the extremists have “retained momentum” despite recent American airstrikes.-Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL)
Rooney added that he had ” grave doubts about the President’s strategy of utilizing underwhelming force to combat this threat.”
We can defeat the Islamic State, but right now, we are not. The Islamic State is winning, and we, and our international partners, are losing. This is a fight worth winning, but first, the President must decide that it’s one worth fighting.
Rooney is saying what many others are thinking, and some are saying publicly. President Obama has hamstrung the U.S. military by not allowing commanders to implement a viable and winning strategy against ISIS that would include ‘all’ U.S. combat assets, including ground troops.