I would say that the majority of the legislators in the U.S. Congress support a travel ban to and from the Ebola-stricken western countries in Africa.
But don’t expect Democrats to all come out at once and oppose President Obama, who has stated that banning flights in and out of western Africa was not in the Ebola deck of cards.Florida Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson was one of only three Democrats to join Republicans to ask that a travel ban be put in place on October 8.
Grayson was the first member of Congress to request a ban back in July, but was ignored by the Obama administration.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“[W]e ask the State Department to impose a travel ban and restrict travel visas issued to citizens of the West African countries experiencing this epidemic, until such countries have defeated the epidemic,” they wrote.” Such a ban should be instituted by suspending earlier-issued visas until further notice, halting the issue of such visas, and denying entry to the nationals of such countries upon presentation of a passport from those countries at our ports of entry.”
“We note,” the letter continued, “that Congressman Grayson made this request to your administration in July, and that 27 African countries already have taken such action to protect their own citizens, but the United States inexplicably has not.”
Representatives Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Dave Loebsack (D-IA) were the only House Democrats to join Grayson as signators on the letter.-Breitbart News
Instead of listening to Grayson and others, what does Obama do about Ebola?
Obama crowns a czar to handle the mess.