“Say it aint so, Joe!”
Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has apparently been booted from the U.S. Navy for testing positive for yayo (llelo), or cocaine.The 44 year-old Hunter Biden didn’t last a year in the military.
Remember when Papa Biden said this about his son Hunter joining the military?:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.We have a lot of bad judgment in my family… “My son over 40 just joined the Navy to be sworn in.”-Vice President Joe Biden (Fox)
Yep, I remember when Biden insulted every single person who has ever joined the U.S. military.
Hey, what’s the big deal with snorting a little yayo?After all, didn’t Obama live it up with the white stuff too? You don’t see him getting knocked for using it.