Rep. Alan Grayson (D) is once again stirring the political pot, this time the “Congressman with Guts” is taking a jab at Republicans for what he thinks is their position on gay marriage rights.
Grayson tweeted a pretty funny image titled, “The Republican Plan For Gay Marriage: Praying the Gay Away,” which depicts a older man (presumably an preacher or pastor) and young man praying together.Grayson, like most liberal Democrats, believe that only Republicans are against gay marriage.
The Republican plan for LGBT equality unveiled…
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But while Democrats like Grayson ignorantly believes that only Christians oppose gay marriage, it is hard to belivee that every single Christian living in the U.S. is Republican.
The fact is that there are many christian Democrats who also oppose gay marriage.
In fact, there are many gays out there that opposed gay marriage. Yes, there are gay men and women who do not believe in same-sex marriage.
Let’s take my good friends and neighbors, Mike and Neal, who just happened to be gay and living together for over 20 years.
While both men are registered Democrats and in love with Hillary Clinton (they razz me for being Republican), they frown upon those gay men feel the need to act and talk more like women, as well as those who want to legalized gay marriage.
My landlord, who is also gay, is one of the toughest looking guys meet, and is also opposed to gay marriage.Oh yeah, he is also a registered Democrat.
But is this just South Florida gay-against-gay marriage phenomenon?
This is a existing nationwide sentiment.
“We’re not going to procreate as a couple and while the desire to demonstrate commitment might be laudable, the religious traditions that have accommodated same-sex couples have had to do some fairly major contortions.”-Gay man living in Massachusetts (BBC)