President Obama’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey divulged to reporters some very sombering news about the capabilities of the Iraq army to confront, and hopefully aide in defeating the terrorist group ISIS.
Dempsey said that 26 of the Iraqi army’s 50 brigades were not up to the challenge to take on ISIS, adding the remaining brigades had too many Shiites within the military ranks to even be considered a “credible force against the Sunni ISIS.”On Tuesday, Dempsey told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he would consider recommending the return of ground forces to Iraq if an international coalition sought by the Obama administration proves ineffective.
On Wednesday, Dempsey said no amount of U.S. military power would solve the problem of ISIS’s takeover of large swaths of northern and western Iraq. The solution, he said, must begin with formation of an Iraqi government that is able to convince the country’s Kurdish and Sunni populations that they will be equal partners with the Shiites in Iraq’s future.
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This is not looking good for Obama.
Again, if any Arab country helps the U.S.-led fight against ISIS, the support will be very tepid, and probably non-lethal, as Muslims will not side with westerners to kill fellow Muslims.
If Obama thinks that he can effectively combat ISIS with just air power, and without any U.S. combat groups on the ground, then he is an even less capable Commander-In-Chief than we all already thought he was.