Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson’s Republican opponent in the 2014 midterm elections, Navy veteran Jorge Bonilla, did no mince his words in his latest fundraising email against the self-proclaimed “Congressman with Guts.”
In his own fundraising letter to supporters, Bonilla outlined Grayson’s political short-comings which he has posted on his website.Bonilla opens an epic can of political smack down on Grayson.
Here is Bonilla’s email:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Here we go…another fundraising quarter draws to a close, which means it’s time for another Alan Grayson screed designed to pry dollars from his supporters, centered around Mr. Grayson’s self-styled moniker, “Congressman With Guts”.
Under the guise of “guts”, Mr. Grayson has proven himself an utter embarrassment to his constituents and to the office he holds.
In fact, we’ve chronicled some of his dirtiest deeds over at doesn’t take guts to smear your opposition as racist, to discuss the Majority Leader’s genitalia on a Kos comment board, to rant about dog poop in the midst of government shutdown negotiations, or to call Benghazi “the scandal that never was”.
This simply requires a morally bankrupt strain of nihilistic narcissism, and a willful disregard for the concerns of one’s actual constituents…but certainly not “guts” of any kind.
Now, since Mr. Grayson is also fond of revising history, it’s time for a quick fact-check:
2008: Coasted to office on an incumbent’s broken term-limit promise, and Barack Obama’s coattails.
2010: Grayson’s partisan antics wore thin with his district, and was crushed by 18 points.2012: Rather than risk another electoral curb-stomping at the hands of Daniel Webster, Grayson walked into newly-drawn District 9 by racially etherizing his potential GOP opponent ahead of the primary, and by again riding Barack Obama’s coattails.
2013: In a typical display of “guts”, Grayson stays home and does an MSNBC hit on Syria, thus stiffing the tens of protesters he mustered for the so-called “Koch Brothers sewer money summit”, A.K.A. Right Online.
2014: In the midst of his usual Keystone XL protestations, news outlets report Mr. Grayson’ position in Russian oil and gas, worth several hundred thousand dollars. Spaceeba, Tovarisch!
During this time, Grayson has run push-polls against me, and has called me a “loudmouth and a jerk” for daring to challenge him to a debate on Obamacare via birthday cake (chocolate, of course…brown cake for the self-proclaimed champion of “brown people”).
As the only Veteran in this race, I am trained to engage and excel in hostile situations. Congress is a hostile situation that requires someone with the steel to make the tough decisions that America’s future will demand going forward. The last five GOP primary debates have made crystal clear that I alone possess that steel, as well as the will, ability, and, well…guts to defeat Alan Grayson.
This is why I need your help.As this fundraising quarter comes to a close, please consider donating $25, 50,100, or whatever you are comfortable giving. Help elect a Congressman that will go to Washington to represent America, ass opposed to representing Big Labor, Tom Steyer, or the illegal immigration lobbies.
Serious times call for serious leadership, and Mr. Grayson is anything but.
Thank you for your support. God bless you, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.