Meriam Ibrahim, the 27-year-old Sudanese woman sentenced to death for leaving Islam, has been freed from prison, her lawyers confirmed late Monday.
[Ibrahim] walked out of prison in Khartoum on Monday afternoon and was taken to an undisclosed safe house for her own protection. In Sudan, where Sharia law is implemented, leaving the Islamic faith is a crime punishable by death – and earlier this month her own brother called for the sentence to be carried out.“Her family had been threatened before and we are worried that someone might try to harm her,” said Mohaned Mostafa, one of her team of lawyers.
Ibrahim refused to recant her Christian beliefs despite a Sudanese judge sentencing her to death for apostasy against Islam.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The judge ruled that Ms Ibrahim would not be executed for two years after the birth of the baby – but her husband and legal team were desperately hoping that the verdict would be overruled before then.
“She is not going to renounce her religion, though,” he said. “She told me that.”