With his older brother Mario serving in the U.S. Army Special Forces during the Vietnam war, the reported veterans healthcare neglect scandal going on at the Department of Veteran’s Affairs has struck a personal nerve with U.S. Senator Marco Rubio.
Rubio recently filed his VA Accountability Act in the Senate, which was blocked from a vote by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the rest of his Democrat colleagues in the U.S.Senate. Bernie Sanders did the honor for the Democrats of blocking the bill.So what does Rubio do when he is ticked off at Reid and the boys, he takes to the Senate floor to offer up a well deserved smack down to his foes.
Rubio puts it out there, and says that some within both the Obama and Veteran’s Affairs administrations are deliberately covering up the truth about the negligible healthcare our veterans are receiving at VA hospitals around the country.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“[…] One of the things that we’re learning is not simply that there’s a systemic problem in the veterans administration, but that there’s been a deliberate effort – by some within the administration, of some within the veterans administration – to cover it up or to make things look better than they actually are. And that should trouble us even more, because the immediate reaction when an agency is confronted with a problem should be, ‘We need to fix this.’ And instead, the reaction by some seems to be, ‘We need to cover this. We need to make this look better than it really is. We need to diminish this.’
That is completely unacceptable, and people need to be held accountable to this…Their department’s well-documented reluctance to ensure that leaders are being held accountable for mistakes is not only tarnishing its reputation, it unfortunately is impacting many of these hardworking men and women who are doing their jobs within the agency.”
Rubio calls on the Senate to pass his bill, whose House version “overwhelmingly’ passed with a bipartisan majority of members voting in favor of it.
“And so here’s where we stand: I’ve come to this floor today to give my colleagues the opportunity to send this to the President before we leave for the Memorial Day recess. We have an opportunity, right now, to take up the bill that the House just passed by an overwhelming, bipartisan majority – enacted into law by unanimous consent – and send it to the President so he can sign it.
So that a week from now, and a month from now, when the results of that investigation come to his desk and that of the Secretary, they can discipline and/or fire the people who have not done their jobs and have put our veterans in harm’s way with regard to the services the VA is supposed to be offering. That is all this bill does. Nothing more and nothing less.
“We are giving a Secretary, appointed by this President, confirmed by this Senate, the opportunity to be able to fire employees of his agency that are not doing their jobs. That is all we are asking here. It is not more complicated than that. And I do not understand why anyone would not support that concept. And it’s right here for us. For everyone talking about how quickly we need to act on this — here is your chance.”