Considering that half of all Americans polled believe President Obama had the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) target conservative activist groups, would anyone believe me if I told you that the IRS is dragging their feet in furnishing the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s May 21, 2013 FOIA request?
Nope.According to Townhall, the NRSC’s FOIA request was pretty specific, asking for any and all records related to a dozen or so Democrat members of Congress, and the top brass over at the IRS.
On May 21, 2013 the National Republican Senatorial Committee sent the IRS a Freedom of Information Act request asking for “any and all documents or records, including but not limited to electronic documents, e-mails, paper documents, photographs (electronic or hard copy), or audio files,” related to correspondence from January 1, 2009 and May 21, 2013 between thirteen different Democrat members of Congress and top IRS officials.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Those officials include former IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, former Commissioner Steven Miller, senior IRS official Joseph Grant and former head of tax exempt groups Lois Lerner. Members of Congress named in the request include Sen. Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Reid (D-NV), DSCC Chair Sen. Bennet (D-CO), Sen. Landrieu (D-LA), Sen. Pryor (D-AR), Sen. Hagan (D-NC), Sen. Begich (D-AK), Sen. Shaheen (D-NH), Sen. Mark Udall (D-CO), Sen. Franken (D-MN), Sen. Warner (D-VA), Rep. Braley and Rep. Peters (D-MI).
Since that request was received by the IRS nearly one year ago, IRS Tax Law Specialists Robert Thomas and Denise Higley have asked for more time to fulfill the request six times.
“I am responding to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated May 21, 2013, and received in our office on May 30, 2013,” Higley wrote in a letter to NRSC Attorney Megan Sowards last year. “I am unable to send the information requested by June 27, 2013, which is the 20 business day period allowed by law. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause.”
Thomas and Higley have sent six letters with the same language and different dates to Sowards requesting more time to locate information in order to fulfill the FOIA request. Most recently, the IRS has asked for a deadline of August 1, 2014 to produce information.-TH
This story gets even juicier, as it has now been learned that Democrat Senator Carl Levin has cozied up to Deputy IRS Commissioner Steven Miller in 2012, conspire against those dastardly conservative groups.
Republicans are doing what past Republican caucuses in the Congress have failed to do, and that is put on their big boy pants, and press the Obama administration for full transparency and accountability.
Senator Ted Cruz (R-FL), along with other Republican members of Congress, including Florida Congressman Ron DeSantis and Bill Posey, have demanded that Attorney General Eric Hold appoint a Independent special prosecutor to look into the IRS.