Congressional candidate Curt Clawson has just unveiled his campaign’s detailed “Economic Growth Plan.” This is the first serious policy offering by any of the four Republican congressional candidates in the FL-19 special Republican primary race.
Clawson’s proposals are just about same points that all conservative Republicans seem to campaign on every election cycle, but Clawson offers some bold specifics on tax reform.
For example, Clawson proposes cutting in half corporate tax rate from 35% to 17.5%, “Reducing taxes on small businesses income” to 17.5%.
As for his other aspects of his plan, they are all pretty much positions that all of his opponents in the race, Lizbeth Benacquisto, Michael Dierken, and Page Kreegel, support and probably campaign on.
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Here is Clawson’s tax policy:
Here are the standard conservative talking points:PRO-GROWTH TAX POLICY
o Cut the corporate tax rate in half, to 17.5%.
o Eliminate corporate loopholes to simplify the corporate tax code.
o Lower taxes on economic investment, such as capital gains taxes, to 15%.
o End the unfair and punitive inflation tax imposed on investment gains.
o Reduce the top individual income tax rate to 30%.
o Reduce taxes on small businesses income, cutting it to 17.5%.
o Create an alternative flat tax system and let taxpayers opt-in to that system.
o Adopt a constitutional balanced budget amendment.
o Create budget-cutting committees in Congress.
o Block grant many spending programs to the states.REINING IN OUT-OF-CONTROL GOVERNMENT
o Congress should approve all major regulations before they take effect.
o Congress should know the cost impact of every regulation.
o All regulations should sunset regularly unless Congress votes to renew.
o Congress must exercise better oversight over rogue agencies.
o On healthcare reform, we should repeal ObamaCare and start over with a new approach that ends denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, that puts patients and doctors, not bureaucrats in charge of health care decisions, and which empowers patients putting them in control of their health care dollars.
During the recent forum between all the candidates, on attendee express his belief that ” this race was Benacquistos’ to lose, and she could very well lose it.” The rational behind his statement is that Clawson has demonstrated that he is willing to dump in hundreds of thousands of his own dollars into the race to win.
Now that Clawson has set a pretty steep bar, the rest of the field will probably need to counter his proposal with something as detailed.
So far, Benacquisto and Clawson are the only two candidates to qualify to be on ballot.