Republicans have been railing against President Obama for abusing his executive order privileges, and have continued doing so after his most most recently statement that he “had a pen and a phone,” and would continue using that “executive authority”, regardless of what the Congress said or did.
When I say all Republicans have been railing against the President, I also include those at the local and state levels of politics. The Republican Party of Florida has commented on Democratic Senator Bill Nelson’s recent ask of constituents, to call their “Congressman and put pressure on them to fixe the NFIB (Flood Insurance) rate hikes.”The state Republican party countered the Senator with their own message:
Pick up your cell phone, call the President, and urge him to use his executive authority to stop these rate increases, just as he’s used his executive authority to delay parts of his own healthcare law.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
When is Bill Nelson going to step up and take action to protect Floridians?- Republican Party of Florida
Republicans is now asking the President to use his “executive authority” to make changes? The job of the President is to protect all Americans, and his use of “executive authority” is just one of those tools he has at his disposal to do so.
But it seems kind of strange, that one hand Republicans chastise him for threatening to use this “authority” to further his anti-American causes, but on the other hand, they ask him to use the “authority” to further further GOP supported causes, even though those causes maybe truly valid and important.
Radio show host Drew Steele from Fox News 92.5 in Fort Myers, caught up with Senator Nelson and brought up the RPOF’s point about reaching out to the President.
Steele asked Nelson about him having the opportunity to speak to the President directly ask him to “make this happen” for the sake of Floridians.
Nelson answered with a simple, “I have.”
So, Democrat Senator Bill Nelson has asked President Obama intervene, and use his executive power to stop the flood insurance rate hikes.Should the President use his “executive authority” to prevent any further flood insurance rate hikes?