There seems to be trouble in Charlieland, as Crist’s newly hired campaign manager and press secretary have bailed on the campaign. The Crist campaign, and neither Bill Hyers, the campaign manager, and Lauren Hitt, the press secretary, did not publicly state their reasons for abrupt departure.
According to the Tampa Tribune, no sooner than Crist announced that he was running against Rick Scott for governor, a Quinnipiac University poll had him only leading Scott by single digits, and losing considerable ground among Independent voters.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Then, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, who has refused to rule out getting into the race against Scott, cracked the door open a bit wider on a possible run. Two weeks ago, Nelson said he would consider running if it appears the Democratic nominee — presumably Crist — can’t beat Scott.-TB
Is there some writing on the political wall that some of these Crist supporters and operatives have read, and are now second-guessing the former governor’s chances of beating Rick Scott?
Rumor: It is being said that Crist has struck a deal with Demcratic Senator Bill Nelson. The deal is that if Crist runs the risk of losing in the general election, Nelson would jump in the race, Crist steps down, and if Nelson beats Scott, he would then appoint Crist to replace him in the U.S. Senate.
Back in 2009, Crist presumed that he would be Marco Rubio in the 2010 Senate race, appointed his former chief of staff George LeMieux, as a place holder for him in the U.S. Senate, after former Senator Mel Martinez stepped down.