The Iranian deal that eases sanctions, and allows the Islamist nation to keep its uranium enrichment program for six months, will more than likely face stiff opposition in the U.S. Senate, form both sides of the political aisle.What President Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and the other European nations involved in the negotiations have done, is give Iran a six month window to be able to progress their nuclear bomb ambitions.
Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), who sits on the Senate’s Committee Foreign Relations put out this screed on the easing of the sanctions against Iran,
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.“This agreement will not ‘freeze’ Iran’s nuclear program and won’t require the regime to suspend all enrichment as required by multiple UN Security Council resolutions. By allowing the Iranian regime to retain a sizable nuclear infrastructure, this agreement makes a nuclear Iran more likely. There is now an even more urgent need for Congress to increase sanctions until Iran completely abandons its enrichment and reprocessing capabilities.
“This agreement shows other rogue states that wish to go nuclear that you can obfuscate, cheat, and lie for a decade, and eventually the United States will tire and drop key demands. Iran will likely use this agreement – and any that follows that does not require any real concessions – to obtain a nuclear weapons capability.
“This agreement is a blow to our allies in the region who are already concerned about America’s commitment to their security and it sends the wrong message to the Iranian people, who continue to suffer under the repressive rule of their leaders who have only their own self-preservation in mind.“Just days ago, Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, who will oversee implementation of this agreement, was calling Israel a ‘rabid dog’ and accusing the United States of war crimes. Yet today President Obama is asking us to accept the pledges of this regime, which still refuses to end its support for terrorism and admit the illicit nature of its past nuclear work.”
Even congressional candidates like Jorge Bonilla, who is running against Democrat Alan Grayson, also chimed in on the issue. Bonilla posted this on his Facebook page:
The terms agreed to by the P5+1 and The Islamic Republic of Iran early this morning, rather than fostering peace in the region, are an extremely dangerous capitulation that will further embolden a known state sponsor of terror, and will endanger our allies.
Under the terms of the agreement (which will NOT go before the United States Congress), Iran may recoup several billion dollars seized under the sanctions regime, will give up no centrifuges, and will still be a relatively short time away from having nuclear bomb-making capability. International monitors will reportedly have access to nuclear facilities at Natanz and Fordow, but not those at Bushehr and Esfahan. The heavy water facility at Arak will continue to operate, as will two brand new facilities announced just this week.In sum, the Khomeinist regime has bought itself six months in which to dissumulate and deceive as it races towards the bomb. By championing this agreement, the Obama administration repeats its pattern of hostility towards our allies and weakness in the face of our enemies. There is absolutely nothing in this deal that advances peace or brings stability to the region.
The world is made much more dangerous by our acceptance of this sucker deal, and I call on the United States Congress to continue its work on stiffer sanctions against the Iranian regime.-Jorge Bonilla
Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu stated that “this agreement has made the world less safe,” and reaffirmed that Israel, who believes Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, would you military action against Iran, if it felt threatened in anyway.
Shortly after Netanyahu made these remarks, President Obama conveniently phoned him to discuss their mutual understanding and agreement that Iran cannot be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon, but did not phone him to tell him what was in the deal, before it was struck.
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