Republican congressional candidate Jorge Bonilla has received a big boost to his campaign to defeat Democratic Congressman Alan Grayson.According to a recent National Review interview with Bonilla, former National Republican Congressional Committee Chair and Congressman Pete Sessions (R-TX) has donated the maximum $2000 to Bonilla’s campaign.
When asked about the kind of reception he has been receiving from Republicans in Washington, D.C., Bonilla said the following:
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Not just from the leaders in Washington, but we’ve been getting a great reception from everyone. Our candidacy is starting to become a consensus candidacy, one that can speak to all elements of the conservative movement. I will say this about Chairman Sessions, I am grateful for his guidance and for his counsel. He’s been a friend to us and our campaign, and we’re tremendously grateful for that.
According to other members of Congress supporting Bonilla’s candidacy, as well as grassroots and tea party activists, Bonilla is considered to be the “consensus candidate” they feel can bring Republicans, Independents, and enough Democrats together to beat Grayson.
During the August meeting of the Orlando Young Republicans, Congressman Bill Posey (R) urged those in attendance to back Bonilla, if they wanted to oust Grayson from office.While Senator Marco Rubio has not openly supported or endorsed his former 2010 Senatorial campaign staffer, Rubio has advised Bonilla on several key issues that he will need to address head on, as his campaign moves forward.
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