The joke of the year. Former Broward GOP chairman and devout Charlie Crist for Senate supporter, Richard Lee DeNapoli, is running for the Florida House of Representatives in the Sarasota area. ‘Dick’ DeNapoli will face off against Orthopedic surgeion Julio Gonzalez, who is a friend and supporter of Senator Marco Rubio, and has already raised over $70k for his campaign.As expected, the former devout Charlie Crist supporter, Richard DeNapoli, will try to run a smoke-and-mirrors campaign in an attempt to mask who he really is, and what he has really accomplished. This is the same Richard DeNapoli who is said to have authorized his former Broward Republican Executive Committee Treasurer to file a false police incident report.
DeNapoli, who just happens to be his own biggest fan , is constantly promoting is questionable leadership as the Chairman of the Broward GOP, but the Republican Party of Florida knows far too well how “divisive” and “ineffectual” the man referred to in many political circles as “Q-Tip,” really is.
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Paging Ray Pilon. Stay tuned…
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