One of the 2014 Congressional races some politicos and analysts are asking Americans to watch, is the race between Congressman Steve Southerland (R-FL) and Democratic Congressional candidate Gwen Graham. Graham, is the daughter of former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator, Bob Graham.Like all Republican incumbents in the U.S. Congress, liberal Democratic groups like Emily’s List, as well as the Democratic Party itself, are trying to paint them all as “extremists.” This is expected, since the ‘extremist” strategy can be found on page 2 of the Democratic political playbook.
Candidate Graham, who considers herself as being a ‘moderate” and a “Graham Democrat,” is running on her father’s name. Graham is actively promoting any and all pictures she has taken with her father Bob, and has even gone as far as to state that the former U.S. Senator is her role model, and that her “goal” is to “emulate his leadership.”
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If Gwen Graham truly is serious about ’emulating’ her father’s leadership, is she saying that she will also follow his past voting lead while he was in the U.S. Senate?
If this is the case, it would mean she favors earned amnesty for undocumented workers, and would support and vote against any anti-abortion bills, including partial birth abortion legislation.
Yes, partial birth abortion.
In 1999, then U.S. Senator Bob Graham was one of 34 Senators who voted against Senate bill 1692, which banned “the abortion procedure in which the physician partially delivers the fetus before completing the abortion.”
The uber-liberal pro-Abortion organization, Emily’s List, has recently endorsed Gwen Graham for Congress, which is a clear sign that Graham is in-line with the group’s pro-partial birth abortion position.
How can we be so sure that Gwen Graham is in favor partial birth abortion? Well, Emily’s List is notorious for pulling support of their endorsed candidates, if the said candidate changes their mind on this issue, or any other issues that undermines their extreme pro-choice agenda.
Case in point, Emily’s List pulled their support for former Senator Blanche Lincoln, after she voted in favor of Senate bill 1692, the very same partial birth abortion bill Gwen Graham’s father, Senator Bob Graham opposed and voted against. (Source-Emily’s List, March 4, 2010)
Like father, like daughter?
Stay tuned, as this “All in the Family” campaign begins to unfold.Share and “Like” the story below. Leave us a comment.