Tell me something I, and many other didn’t know about Rubio’s possible candidacy for President in 2016. According to the USA Today, Rubio told the American Society of News Editors that he would make the decision of whether to run for President sometime in 2014. Before Rubio decides to run President, expect some serious soul-searching and groveling to his base to take place after his amnesty for illegal immigrants bill dies over in the U.S. House of Representatives.Here is what the USA Today posted-
Sen. Marco Rubio says he faces a decision next year: Does he run for another Senate term? Run for president in 2016? Or take a pass on both?
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.That’s what the Florida Republican said Tuesday in response to a question about his presidential prospects at the American Society of News Editors conference in Washington.
USA TODAY’s Alan Gomez was there for Rubio’s speech, which was largely devoted to the sweeping immigration bill moving toward Senate passage. Gomez passes along some key quotes about presidential politics.
“I know you’re not going to believe me when I tell you this, I really don’t think about that right now,” Rubio said when asked about his 2016 plans. “I’ll make that decision at that time based on a lot of different factors.”His timetable calls for a decision “at some point late in 2014.”
Rubio continued: “Anytime you start thinking about what you’re going to run for next, it begins to influence how you behave, the decisions you make, the issues you take on, the stances that you adopt.”-USA Today
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