Billionaire Real Estate mogul Donald Trump is once again mulling over a possible Presidential run, saying that he is weighing out “all” of his options for 2016.
Trump told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto that someone needs to run and restore leadership, but if he did decide to ran for President, it would be as a Republican, and not as an Independent as he once threatened to do during the 2012 election season.
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When asked about the Chinese threat, Trump pointed out that the U.S. is “not competing with China” as it should be, are that communist country is “making us look like fools.”
They (China) are not our friends-Donald Trump
If Trump decides to seek the Republican Presidential nomination in 2016, he may have a tougher time jockeying for position than he would have in 2012 because of the the likes of Senators Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, who are all considering the possibility of running for President.
Here is my April 2011 interview with Donald Trump in Boca Raton, Florida.-
He’s gonna go down as the worst president in the history of this country-Donald Trump, April 2011
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