We are not talking about a mistake, we are talking about a deliberate abuse of power-Senator Marco Rubio
The IRS scandal has many in Washington, D.C. crying foul and asking for heads to roll. One of the most outspoken critics of the Obama administration is Florida Senator Marco Rubio, who went on Fox News to reiterate his frustrations about the ongoing scandals that have plagued the administration.
Rubio said that it was a crime, that “an abuse of power is a crime,” and stated that Obama, who “loves to demonize” his political opponents, should have said that the Justice department should fully investigate the IRS scandal, and that anyone remotely suspect or guilty would be prosecuted, regardless of how far up the IRS chain of command the investigation goes.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.The President does not have clean hands in this-Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio added that these “third world tactics” of muscling political opponents, and the abuse of power that is at their disposal to intimidate people, makes up the Obama administrations current “culture of intimidation” that has permeated the White House and the entire federal government.
Rubio concluded by saying that he will “continue to call for criminal investigations, and we’re going look for a way to change the law, so that it is a crime, it is a crime for an IRS employee to target people based on their political leanings.”