According to the newly filed bill, immigrants who are allowed to enter the United States under a work visa, will be ‘granted’ a taxpayer funded cellular phone. Move over “Obama phone,” we present the new ‘Hola, Como Estas?!’ MarcoPhone.
Here is the actual mention of the free phones in the bill-
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.SEC. 1107. ACCESS TO EMERGENCY PERSONNEL. (a) SOUTHWEST BORDER REGION EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS GRANTS.—
The Secretary, in consultation with the governors of the States in the Southwest Border region, shall establish a 2-year grant program, to be administered by the Secretary, to improve emergency communications in the Southwest
ELIGIBILITY FOR GRANTS.—An individual is eligible to receive a grant under this subsection if the individual demonstrates that he or she— (A) regularly resides or works in the Southwest Border region; is at greater risk of border violence due to the lack of cellular service at his or her residence or business and his or her proximity to the Southern border. (3) USE OF GRANTS.—Grants awarded under this subsection may be used to purchase satellite telephone communications systems and service that— (A) can provide access to 9–1–1 service; and (B) are equipped with global positioning
You would think that the government agency where these immigrants initially applied for their guest worker visa, was already situated in an urban environment with adequate cell phone service, right? Something tells me that these quest workers will not be taking a short cut through the the ‘cell phone signal-less’desert to get to and from work.
Update-According to some politicos involved with helping craft this bill, the phones in question are for ranchers and locals that can prove they reside along the border. It is obvious that immigrants are also afforded this privilege, since many of them live and work along the border. Why else would it be in an immigration reform bill? And why are taxpayers asked to flip the bill?
Update Numero Dos–
Rubio told Laura Ingraham that the reported “MarcoPhone” was “not for the illegal immigrant,” but ” for the US citizens and residents who live along the border.” But according to the legislation that he helped write, those “residing” along the border are not identified as being U.S. Citizens or even U.S. residents. So what’s ‘it going to be, Marco?
Maybe Marco should have clarified this in the bill, perhaps inserting a start date to establish residency? Click here to read Rubio’s response to the MarcoPhone.Share and “Like” the story below. Follow The Shark Tank on Twitter and Facebook
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