The event is co-chaired by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, and usual draws out the who’s who of Hispanic politics. Over the past couple of years, the conference has been able to draw top national figures like, Senator Marco Rubio, Governor Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, as well members of the U.S. Congress and numbers state and local elected officials.
By looking at the group’s event agenda,it’s apparent that there will be a strong focus on immigration reform, and rightly so. Immigration reform has all but taken over the political discussion, and Republicans and Conservatives alike have finally realized that they have been losing the immigration argument, and need to step up to the plate and offer real ideas and solutions.
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Here are some notable names that are slated to attend and participate at the HLN conference-
Governor Luis Fortuno, Jeb Bush, Jr., Faith & Freedom President Ralph Reed, Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, HLN Executive Director Jennifer Korn, Ana Carbonell, and Brett Doster.
Here is HLN’s press release about the event-WASHINGTON, DC – The Hispanic Leadership Network (HLN) today announced the agenda for its “Family Reunión” conference to be held next Thursday, April 18th, and Friday, April 19th, at the Biltmore Hotel in Miami, Florida. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush and former Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutiérrez will serve as conference co-chairs. The two-day gathering will bring together more than 15 distinguished speakers and panelists.
“This year’s HLN conference will focus on three of the most pressing policy matters for Hispanics – the economy, education, and immigration. We will come together as a family to discuss our concerns and hopes for the future. I am honored to co-chair the conference with my friend Carlos Gutiérrez, and look forward to a spirited public debate about the best path forward,” said Governor Jeb Bush.
The conference kicks off on Thursday night with a welcoming reception featuring both co-chairs, as well as former Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuño.
“We are proud to once again provide a platform for conservative Hispanics to have a dialogue with our national leaders about the issues that most affect our community. We hope to inspire Hispanics nationwide to continue the policy debate long after our conference,” said HLN Executive Director Jennifer S. Korn.
On Friday, the conference program includes two panel discussions on Immigration and Economy & Education. Former U.S. Surgeon General Antonia Novello will deliver the keynote address, marking the third anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. In addition, HLN will host two breakout sessions focusing on grassroots advocacy and the media.
Visit HLN’s website to learn more: Hispanic Leadership Network