Spanish-language TV network Univision has published a very questionable report and interactive map named “Migration: Hispanic Population” that purportedly details the “Demographic profile of the DREAMer.”The DREAMers are all immigrants under 31 years old that: entered the US before the age of 16; have lived in the country for five continuous years; have not been convicted of a felony, a significant misdemeanor or three other misdemeanors; and are currently in school, graduated from high school, earned a GED or served in the military. We call illegal immigrants all those who are not eligible to dream because either they are too old or do not comply with one or more criteria. And we call future DREAMers all those immigrants who are under the age of 15 that will meet the requirements of the deferred action initiative at some point in the future. – Univision
Here’s the first glaring question about Univision’s map of the Hispanic immigrant population- have we ever seen this specific description of so-called “Dreamers” that is an accurate generalization of this group of “undocumented immigrants?”
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
As a matter of fact, this specific description of a “Dreamer” is pretty unique – it’s more than fair to say that this is Univision’s very much preferred definition of a so-called “Dreamer”, as many of its criteria are in no way applicable to countless numbers of illegal immigrants.
What is very curious about the post is that the interactive map of the United States that allows you to mouse-over dots that depict a Hispanic population of a particular state that will display an exact human count of “non citizen children” in that particular state. In addition, you can switch to one of the other two categories- “non citizen young” and “non citizen adult” and also get an specific count. For example, of Florida’s 62,582 non citizen children, 12,958 are from the country of Mexico.
The national count of illegal immigrants is estimated to be between 8 to 20 million. If the government cannot ascertain an exact head count for illegal immigrants living in the US, how exactly does Univision know for sure that there are 21,345 non-citizen children living in New Jersey?
While Univision can argue that these counts are of “non-citizen” Hispanics- which would include resident aliens, or any other special status immigrants who are here legally- it is highly questionable that their numbers are as accurate as the network states, simply because the immigration count is so fluid and there’s yet to be an exact and credible count of immigrants in the United States.
Unfortunately, Univision and the amnesty lobby have co-opted the language once again by conveniently labeling all illegal/undocumented immigrants as so-called “Dreamers” when in fact many of them have no aspirations whatsoever of legally becoming “citizens” in the true sense of the term. As the amnesty lobby will no doubt demagogue the immigration issue in the lead up to the 2014 elections, Univision is “prepping the battlefield” for the coming fight by publishing misinformation that obscures the many dangers that an amnesty measure will visit on the country.
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