Congressman Alan Grayson, who is not one to mince his words, just sent out an Alan Grayson for Congress campaign donation ask, listing comedian Julianna Forlano’s recommendations for President Obama’s “slow-motion Cabinet shuffle” that Grayson believes is currently taking place.Forlano says she would like to see Grayson be Obama’s mouthpiece, or WH Press Secretary after hearing him answer a question that Governor Granholm asked of him.
Here is the exchange between Granholm and Grayson-
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Gov. Granholm: “Do you think that the Republicans are blowing their majority by appearing too extreme on this [comprehensive gun control]?”
Rep. Grayson: “No, they’re blowing their majority by being callous, bigoted tools.”
Yes, according to Grayson, Republican members of Congress are all bigots and racists. I wonder what he thought of the late U.S. Senator Robert Byrd (D), a former KKK member, who refused to join the U.S. military because there was a chance he would have to serve with “race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds?”Share and “Like” the story below. Thanks.