While at CPAC, Javier caught up with Governor Rick Perry (R-TX). The former GOP presidential hopeful asserted that the hope of a purple or blue Texas is a “built on the pipe dream that the Hispanic in Texas is not interested in economic freedom.” Perry added that in Texas, a state that has an enormous Hispanic community, just because they are Hispanic, “doesn’t mean that they are going to vote Democratic.”The Hispanic population is small business men and women whose the fastest growing segment in our business community, and they don’t want to be over-taxed, they don’t want to be over-regulated, they don’t want to be over-litigated. Perry adds,” they are pro-Life, patriotic hard working men and women.”-Gov. Rick Perry
According to Perry, Hispanics’ entrepreneurial and family values are a better fit with the GOP, vis-a-vis the cradle-to-grave entitlement society offered by the Democratic Party.
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