Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wins today’s CPAC presidential straw poll, edging out Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) 25-23. What does this say about the state of the party going forward? Basically, two things.
First and foremost that there will be, whether the establishment wants it or not, a changing of the guard in the GOP. The Senate class of 2010…Lee, Rubio, Paul (plus Ted Cruz) et. al have seized intellectual leadership of the GOP away from the D.C. old guard. This is what Rand Paul’s epic filibuster laid bare for all to see.
Second, that Constitutional conservatism and libertarianism will be front and center in 2016. Whether that translates into a Paul or Rubio nomination remains to be seen (of course it’s way too soon), but if these groups can work through their differences…look out now.
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Somewhere in D.C., Jim DeMint is enjoying the full savor of his last laugh.
BREAKING: Rand Paul wins CPAC straw poll
First and foremost that there will be, whether the establishment wants it or not, a changing of the guard in the GOP. The Senate class of 2010…Lee, Rubio, Paul (plus Ted Cruz) et. al have seized intellectual leadership of the GOP away from the D.C. old guard. This is what Rand Paul’s epic filibuster laid bare for all to see.
Second, that Constitutional conservatism and libertarianism will be front and center in 2016. Whether that translates into a Paul or Rubio nomination remains to be seen (of course it’s way too soon), but if these groups can work through their differences…look out now.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Somewhere in D.C., Jim DeMint is enjoying the full savor of his last laugh.