From Pyongyang West comes further proof that the Kimming of Venezuela is well underway.
Fresh from…ahem… asking the populace to voluntarily disarm, Caretaker President Nicolás Maduro suggested that El Comandante himself exerted influence upon Christ, so that the Argentinian may prevail in the conclave and South America may have its glorious day in the sun.
Why, it’s a revolutionary miracle! Just like that other Supreme Leader.
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As always, hit CC if English subtitles do not immediately appear.
VIDEO: Hugo Chavez helped pick the new Pope
From Pyongyang West comes further proof that the Kimming of Venezuela is well underway.Fresh from…ahem… asking the populace to voluntarily disarm, Caretaker President Nicolás Maduro suggested that El Comandante himself exerted influence upon Christ, so that the Argentinian may prevail in the conclave and South America may have its glorious day in the sun.
Why, it’s a revolutionary miracle! Just like that other Supreme Leader.
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
As always, hit CC if English subtitles do not immediately appear.
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