By Javier Manjarres

U.S. Congressman Dennis Ross (Shark Tank)
Ross believes that his committee assignment will enable him to “be engaged under the hood with financial, banking and regulatory insurance reform” that is at the heart of the current financial mess the country finds itself in. The Congressman also adds that his bill is a”great vehicle” that could be “used in the ongoing conversation over tax reform, tax simplification, and to protect the taxpayer.”
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During his stint in the Florida State Legislature, Ross helped reform home owners insurance under Jeb Bush before “Hurricane Charlie Crist came through and changed it all” in 2007.
We have to have spending cuts if we are going to entertain an increase in our debt ceiling. – Congressman Dennis Ross
Ross warns that if the increase in the debt ceiling is not considered, serious financial consequences could follow, and suggests cutting spending for duplicative federal programs.
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Related: Ross Introduces Guest Worker Bill
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