by Javier Manjarres

During a recent interview with NBC’s David Gregory, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner put his deceitful rhetoric on tape as he dodged Gregory’s question as to what “pain the Democrats are going to have to be willing to live with,” in order to get a deal done with Republicans-
David Gregory– What is the pain point for Democrats there? What is the pain that Democrats are going to have to be willing to live with, to get the kind of deal that you are driving with Republicans on taxes, when it comes to spending cuts, particularly spending cuts to programs like Medicare?
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Timothy Geithner– I think that both sides are going to do things that are difficult for them- uncomfortable them. And the American people have already been asked to adapt to a trillion dollars of spending cuts on defense and non-defense that cover comprehensibly things that touch the lives of many Americans.
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