Murphy only spoke for a few minutes, and he used the opportunity to take some partisan shots against his Republican congressional opponent Congressman Allen West.
In case anyone has any confusion, I’m running against a guy name Allen West. This is the one that thinks there’s 78 to 81 communists in Congress, the one that called his fellow member, his actual congressperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz ‘vile,’ ‘despicable’ and not a lady. He also thinks that President Obama is the dumbest person walking in America.” –Patrick Murphy
Do you think the 2nd Amendment will be destroyed by the Biden Administration?(2)
Hypocrisy at its best? Remember when Senator John McCain referred to then candidate Obama as,”That one?” (Video)
Here is the liberal media accusing McCain of racism. Does this allegation now apply to Murphy? (Newsbusters) Just last month, a SuperPAC funded by Murphy’s father. Thomas Murphy, Jr., put out a racially charged attack video depicting West punching ‘White women.” (Source-PAC Attack) Does the apply fall far from the tree?
Murphy also added that as a member of Congress, “you got to be able to work across the aisle,” and not name call. He then said,” How in the world do you expect to sit down with them and find some sort of compromise, find that common ground to do what’s best for your community, there’s no way that Debbie Wasserman Schultz and them are going to sit down have a civil conversation, after he calls her those names.”Murphy was referencing to the instance when West referred Wasserman Schultz in a private email to her as “vile and despicable” in an email message after she launched a direct partisan attack on the floor of the House against West.
Even as Murphy calls for the name calling to stop, he’s been engaging in his own name calling in two of his own controversial campaign commercials. (Source)
Recall that it was the model of decorum Wasserman Schultz who protested outside of West’s 2010 campaign office and harrumphed that Congressman West “wears his extreme disrespect as a badge of honor, he thinks it’s OK to objectify and denigrate women.” Wasserman Schultz, like Murphy, refers to West and all other Republicans as “Tea Party Extremists.” (Video)
But wait. There’s also this gem-
“Patrick Murphy will send the unhinged McCarthyesque Allen West and his extreme views back home.” – Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Source)
That’s three instances of name calling in one sentence. Will Patrick Murphy approve this message?
hy·poc·ri·sy [hi-pok-ruh-see]
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does
not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.If you like the article, please share it.