By Javier Manjarres

A recent report co-authored by the House Judiciary Committee and the Congressional Research Service, cited that “one in six illegal immigrants is re-arrested” for committing crimes within a three year period after their initial release.
This is not news for the many that have followed this growing trend among illegal immigrants, especially in ‘illegal hot spots’ like Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Aside from the different types of crimes that these illegal immigrants are reported to have committed, human trafficking remains prevalent because it entails prostitution, something that both illegal men and ‘Johns’ here in the U.S. seem to have an affinity for.The records show 276,412 reported charges against illegal and criminal immigrants over that three-year period as identified by Secure Communities, a federal program that essentially attempts to make best use of resources by identifying and prioritizing which illegal immigrants pose the biggest threat to public safety and should be arrested or deported.
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Completing this poll grants you access to Shark Tank updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to this site's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.Of the 160,000 people in the database, more than 26,000 were re-arrested — accounting for nearly 58,000 crimes and violations.
They allegedly committed nearly 8,500 drunken-driving offenses and more than 6,000 drug-related violations. The records also show major criminal offenses, which included murder, battery, rape, kidnapping and nearly 3,000 thefts. Roughly 2 percent of the crimes included carjacking, child molestation, lynching and torture, according to the 13-page Congressional Research Service report.(Source-Fox News)
Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL) released the following statement regarding the recently proposed “Criminal Alien Removal Act”-
“This report highlights exactly why Congress needs to pass my Criminal Alien Removal Act, and in the meantime, President Obama needs to enforce the immigration laws we already have on the books. If you come into this country and you commit a crime, you should serve your sentence and go back to your home country. You can’t stay here and continue to commit crimes against our citizens.”-Congressman Tom Rooney (R-FL)
The bill would in essence “require DHS to ensure that criminal aliens are removed from the United States upon release from incarceration. It would also “allow prison officials to hold criminal aliens after their sentences end to make sure they can be transferred into federal custody and removed from the United States.”
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