By Javier Manjarres

Well, the way we are envisioning it is, if you graduate from High School, now obviously, there’s a military component to it, but that’s not very controversial. If you’ve graduated from High School, and you haven’t committed any Felonies, and you’ve been here for a certain period of time, and entered before a certain age, we will give you a non-immigrant visa, basically allows you to stay in this country legally. It’s not a green card, it’s a non-immigrant visa, which is what we give a student visa.- Senator Marco Rubio
Rubio added that once these kids that who have received these student visas conclude their studies, they will have the opportunity apply for a green card through the already established process and not be “jumping the line” in front of others who have already applied for a green card.
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But the problem that Rubio has not adequately addressed is the military component of the Dream Act, which he claimed in a recent interview with Paul Gigot is “not very controversial.” On the contrary, the military component is quite problematic and will likely soon become very controversial in that it will negate Senator Rubio’s argument about children, as this component is a clear pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Rubio’s is faced with a glaring contradiction should he move forward with a military component- on one hand, he says that he doesn’t believe that these children of illegal immigrants should receive special privileges aside from the schooling aspect. Those kids would have to wait through the immigration process simply to get a green card, but on the other hand, it would allow students or non-students to receive citizenship once that hey been honorably discharged from the U.S. Military.
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has taken a hard line on the immigration issue, but he recently stated that he would look into a military option as well.Like many other members of Congress, Senator Rubio does not have any military experience, but Rubio would do well to completely familiarize himself with the military discharge process in order to fully understand what the ramifications of a military component within his “Dream Act” would entail.
Rubio has very few choices here. Rubio will either tow the amnesty line and adopt the amnesty-lite military option, or scrap it altogether and propose an immigration reform bill that is focused on the merits of student based visas.
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