by Javier Manjarres
The front lines on the battlefield of Obama’s “War on Women” are looking pretty thin these days, as a sparsely attended rally of maybe 70 activists showed up in downtown Fort Lauderdale on Saturday to protest….something. Some of the protestors got a bit ahead of themselves, as their signs demanded that they “Pink Slip Mitt”- before he’s actually been elected.The event attracted a pretty interesting assortment of charlatans and former politicos who took their best shot to improve the weary morale of the assembled feminists from the 60’s along with their progeny of today.
In case you are wondering what the significance of the woman in the black’s dress was (pictured), she told me that her dress signified “how women were oppressed in the 19th century.”
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The six minute video pretty much shows you the crème de la crème of the event, and no, you can’t have those six minutes of your life back.
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Congresswoman Adams-‘Faux War on Women’
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