by Javier Manjarres
After the shocking revelation that President Barack Obama ate ‘dog meat’ when he lived in Indonesia, Conservative Canines from around the country have been’scratching’ themeselves in awe regarding the utter hypocrisy of the liberal Democrat party that is continuing to drive the narrative that Romney should be in the ‘Dog House’ for caging his dog on top of his car during a family vacation.The Shark Tank caught up with ultra-conservative and right-wing attack pooches, Frisky Frozzie and Gonzo the White, to to get their take on Obama’s past dietary habits. While the two fleabags were obviously distraught about the thought of being someones lunch, the two did not want to go on the record. However, Gonzo the White did express his feelings about the matter by leaving in the next door neighbor’s lawn(know Democrat), his form of a campaign mailer.’ The ‘mailer’ left by Gonzo the White was in violation of Fort Lauderdale’s zoning code that calls for all of these ‘campaign mailers’ to to be picked up.
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